Sunday, 11 September 2011

Day 8 - Carlisle to Abington (20 miles south of Glasgow)

This was our 'rest' day which should have been a fairly easy canter of 60 miles. Driving rain and howling cross winds meant today could only be described as 'character building'. Without a doubt harder than the 100 miles yesterday. I guess this is why it is called a challenge! Still we are looking to exploit a weather window tomorrow by starting early and re-routing through Glasgow to seek the relative shelter of an urban area. Nevertheless there was a highlight of today we chanced upon the Tour of Britain and watched the pros whizz past looking like they were enjoying it as much as us.

1 comment:

  1. Tommo,

    Irn Bru and deep fried pizza!! That should at least get you through the Great Glen - good luck one and all.

