Friday, 9 September 2011

Day 6 – 9 Sep 11 Shrewsbury to Preston

Smooth roads and sunshine in Cheshire allowed us to crack on at a reasonable pace up until lunch, then we encountered some more challenging terrain as we approached the Pennines.  Both groups were dogged by equipment defects, a couple more punctures and a broken chain.  Views from the climb up above Bolton were impressive in the fine weather with a nice decent into Preston.  The route was unavoidable more urban later in the day leading to the frustration of being unable to keep a steady cadence with all the traffic lights.  Tomorrow is our first and only Century ride of just over a hundred miles. With rain forecast with silver lining of following winds! Stats: 94 miles, Ave Spd 12 (without stops), total time on the bike 9 hours....

1 comment:

  1. I hope that the strong winds forecast for next week don't hold the team back too much. Keep up the good work.
