Saturday, 17 September 2011

Day 14 (Stage 13) Helmsdale to John O' Groats

Our final day on the bikes with only a short stint of 55 miles to the finish line. Starting off in drizzle and mist the weather cleared for a time and we even had a short period of sunshine before the rain returned.  There were a couple of cheeky climbs at the start to warm the legs up one even had a steep alpine style switchback, after which the roads evened out and were reasonably undulating. Fairly barren views of coastline appeared as the cloud lifted, we worked together rotating at the front of the group to maintain speed through the wind.  Almost giving the impression of a proessional bunch of cyclists!  Jan was hampered by a slow puncture only a few miles from the finish but the support team did well to provide a quick wheel change to maintain momentum.  All in all a successful day with us all reaching the finish safely having ticked of End to End in the taskbook of things to do. What's next?

1 comment:

  1. Well done everyone. Good planning, well executed. I've been following you each day with envy.
