Monday, 5 September 2011

Day 2 - 5 Sep 11

A mixture of sunshine and showers today but we managed to avoid most of them.  Today’s route took us through picturesque and significantly hilly Cornish countryside.  There were steep climbs after each of the 3 ferry crossings today.  The climb out of St Austell was particularly challenging with a 12 % incline, the climb out of Looe was quite cheeky too. We rode in two groups of six with a support van for each the second group coming in slightly later after a puncture delay. Many thanks to King Harry and Fowey ferries for free passage.  Stats: 77miles, 6hrs 45mins, total ascent 3022ft, ave spd 14mph (not including ferry crossings and breaks). The training over summer appears to have paid off and feeling ready for another hard day over Dartmoor tomorrow (I may feel different in the morning though, particularly with the heavy rain forecast!!). Tomorrow could be one of the hardest days with plenty climbing and adverse weather. Two photos above, one on the King Harry Ferry and another during a quick pause in Looe.

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